Fluttering Aspen (waltz: violin and piano)

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Fluttering Aspen is a waltz written for violin and piano, inspired by the aspen trees composer Sonya Leonore Stahl saw dancing with the breeze and "fluttering their eyelashes on the cheek of the wind." The unique flapping of aspen leaves, like the wings of a thousand butterflies, is caused by the unusually flat shape of the petiole of the aspen leaf, hence the back and forth motion instead of twisting in any direction.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aXBxu2uNC8

Fluttering Aspen was premiered on the composer's junior recital as a member of Dr. Janna Lower's studio at the University of Florida.

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Violin and piano parts for Fluttering Aspen

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Fluttering Aspen (waltz: violin and piano)

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